Thursday, 3 January 2013

Welcome 2013, New Year, Same Resolutions!

So my last entry was 7th January 2012? !   Ah well.      There, that's self pity and flagellation finished with.

It's traditional to look back over the previous year.  So over the next 4 posts I'm going to precis of some of the good stuff that happened in the last twelve months.  Here are the first three:
January: Very excited.  Visit to Malvern Theatre to see 'The Secret Garden'.  Childhood (perhaps all time) favourite book.  Age 10, I fell in love with Dickon. I must have kept the model of Dickon hidden in my heart, because 8 years later I recognised something special in a young chap who picked me up at a college dance.  Two years later I married him.  The play at Malvern?  It was not quite a play and not quite a pantomime.  Disappointing.  My Dickon - forty four years on?  Still living up to expectations.
February: Attended a Comedy workshop.  The hardest genre to write in my opinion so I was desperate to learn.  Could have been great. Unfortunately the trainer did not ask anyone what they wanted to achieve from the workshop, so couldn't deliver. 
March: Attended very interesting talk about Kathleen Ferrier at the U3A.  The 'wireless' played a big part in my growing up.  Listen with Mother, Children's Hour, Housewives Choice, Workers' Playtime, Two Way Family Favourites - I loved them all.  As a pre-school child I found Kathleen Ferrier's gorgeous contralto voice captivating, so I memorised her name and never forgot it.
Had a lovely week's break at Barnsdale Hall, Rutland Water (I always wanted to visit Rutland).  The hotel and the area were great.  Lots to see and do.  Plus I had a first.  I cycled!  Yes! I'm the one person in the world who had never owned or ridden any kind of cycle.  The cycle hire shop on the side of Rutland Water had a TRICYCLE for hire.  The very helpful young man was kindness itself and did not laugh as he adjusted the saddle and handlebars for me.  Soon we were off around the Rutland Water cycle path - Grasshopper on a bike and me on the trike.  Despite the saddle becoming more excrutiatingly 'razor like' the further we went, I loved the experience. Wth lots of stops for refreshments, and much walking to ease the pain in my posterior, I managed six miles from the cycle hire shop to St.Matthews Church, Normanton, and back again. This beautiful church was saved when the valley was flooded for the reservoir.
We had a thoroughly great time.  This adventure had longer term impact.  More of that in later posts.
NB. I wanted to insert 2 photos in this post, and have tried many times, over several days to do this, without success.  If I'm to ever get through 2012 and move on into 2013 I cannot delay posting this any longer.

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